Maximo Marina St. Petersburg, Florida is the newest addition to the IGY network. Boasting being the largest marina on Florida’s West coast with 220 slips in a protected harbor providing calm waters and safe berthing. Maximo Marina is located in the Skyway Marina District, is the largest covered wet slip marina in the State. As part of the $ 25 million renovation, Petroleum Marine Construction, LLC was awarded the pre-qualified bid for the marina fuel rehabilitation project.
The Project will include the demolition of the over the water existing fuel system. All fuel will be purged from the existing fuel piping and properly disposed. Existing dispensers and reels will be removed and replaced with State of the Art Marina grade Pump Measure Control Commander model dispensers manufactured for the harsh environment. Future installation of State of Florida DEP approved 2” double wall UV protected fuel piping will take place over the water within 6” PVC chases cast within the new concrete floating fuel dock. The new fuel distribution double wall piping will include the proper connections within an onshore fiberglass access valve sump. The fuel system design will follow PEI/RP-1000. The onshore access valve sump will contain a shutoff valve, breakaway valve and a liquid sump sensor to meet all mandated compliance requirements. The existing Veeder-root compliance monitoring system will be upgraded to maintain State of Florida environmental compliance
New Fuel Dock will include three (3) Pump Measure Control Commander model dual hose duel product dispensers with 100 ft stainless steel spring rewind hose reels which will provide the client the ability to fuel multiple watercraft of all sizes at a standard flow rates. State of the art fuel distribution equipment, competitive pricing, professional performances beat the client’s time frames; are just a few of the many reasons why that Petroleum Marine Construction, LLC can say with confidence that they are the leader in this specialized market.